Hooga Playroom 2 in 1 Toddler Balance Bike - Dino
The Dino toddler balance bike is a great way for your child to learn how to ride a bike. You can transform this sturdy wooden 2-in-1 balance bike from a tricycle to a full-balance bike, allowing it to grow with your child from 18 months. Its light weight and adjustable...
The Dino toddler balance bike is a great way for your child to learn how to ride a bike. You can transform this sturdy wooden 2-in-1 balance bike from a tricycle to a full-balance bike, allowing it to grow with your child from 18 months. Its light weight and adjustable seat make it perfect for helping young riders improve their balance and coordination.
This wooden toddler balance bike also helps your toddler build confidence and motor skills through active play. With its adorable dinosaur theme, puncture-resistant tires, and easy-to-carry design, this bike is perfect for indoor and outdoor adventures.
Key Features:
- Unique dinosaur shape and pattern for extra fun
- Convertible from tricycle to balance bike
- Adjustable seat height (24 cm or 26 cm)
- Lightweight wooden frame with carry handle
- Non-slip grip handles with safety ends
- Quick, tool-free assembly in 10 minutes.
- Recommended Age: 18 months+
- Tyre: 17 cm, puncture-resistant
- Material: Wood
- Weight Limit: 20 kg
- Length: 65cm, Width: 36cm, Height: 34cm
- Seat height: 24-26 cm (adjustable)
- Product weight: 2.1 kg
Safety Guide:
- Adult assembly is required.
- Always supervise your child when riding a bike.
- Ensure a proper fit and adjustment before each use.